Heres an obscure car song(its more about the driver runnin shine) "Thunder road" From the movie Thunder road Starring Robert Mitchum Title song sung by Robert Mitchum "Thunder was his engine and white lightning was his load" no one mentioned "little GTO"??
Highway Star - Deep Purple I have had the "Best of Deep Purple" CD blasting in my daily driver over the past few days. My band "The Defendants" plays a great high-energy version of Mustang Sally ... a tribute to my wife "Mustang Lilly" ... full dance floor every time ... Here is a link to our website ... . We will have a studio version of Mustang Sally and three other songs up there soon. I'm havin' big fun playing with these guys.
ok boys and girls... ONE PIECE AT A TIME___Johnny Cash The Intimidator ___ Charlie Daniels Band East bound and down ____ Jerry Reed Traffic Jam ____ James Taylor Long may you run ___ Neil Young
i forgot about those two rolling was on the first CD i ever purchased and when riding dirty came out i could get it out of my head
Rocket 88 __ Jackie Brenston and his delta cats 455 rocket__Kathy Mattea Rocket 88 may even pre -date robert mitchums thunder road
I love Johnny Cash's One Piece at a Time War - Lowrider Then there is Vanilla Ice rolling in his 5.0 [ame=""]YouTube - Ice Ice Baby[/ame]
How about some Hendrix? Crosstown Traffic And how did I forget this one Cars by Gary Numan And the live version of
ANY Led Zeppelin car tune is great cruisin' music and the louder the better. And thank you Stefan for the Johnny Cash- One piece at a time video, where the hell did you get that jem. I didn't know there was a video for that song,i love it, and i wonder where that car (multi- caddy) ended up.And thanks for the video of my other favorite car tune from War- Low rider, very cool!