The plug-in on my duraspark ignition is broke on the distributor and I need to replace it. How do you remove the pigtail and sending unit??? I dont see anything that will let me remove it and I dont want to break it. Thanks. JP
Are you sitting down? after you remove the cap and rotor look at the shaft there are two small grooves, at the 8 fingered thingy on one side there is a small pin. using a small drill bit or punch push the pin down, then remove the 8 fingered thingy. Removed the vacuum advance. then look at the trigger plate there is a snap ring holding it to the plate, remove it and then the trigger comes off. I think there is a screw holding the wires to the plate too. You will need to remove the plate to get the pin for the 8 fingered thingy. hope this helps I have one apart I can take some pictures if you need them.
dist. I just rebuilt mine yesterday, I found to remove the relucter wheel (8 star thing) you don't need to push the little roll pin down, just get two big flat screwdrivers and stick them under the wheel as far in as they go ,under the center not one of the teeth and gently pry up even on both sides mine slide up with very little effort, then remove everything else as stated.
The reason I drive the pin down is on one of them I did the screw driver thing and broke the 8 star thing. With the pin out of the way you can spin the 8 star thingy. After the first time you don't need to push the pin as stated in the above post.
That helps a lot guys. Thank you very much. This site alone makes it worth having a computer!! Oh...while I am taking it this far down, is there anything I should do to the distributor to enhance performance. I am running a 302, 4spd toploader, 512 intake 508 exhaust, 6901 headers and 4bbl. Thanks again. Jim
Jim I think it was Mavman that covered the upgrades posible on his website.......hopefully either him or old guy will see this post and give a link.........he had a pretty good article on reworking the advance portion........
Thanks Robert. I will wait for a link...not having much luck finding it myself. BTW....your car is looking great, whens the paint scheduled?