Hey guys, I installed a NX carb plate system over the weekend. I am going to run colder plugs, but I would also think pulling some timing would be ok too. I am running a 100 shot so what do you think is best, 1 degree initial timing or 2? Peace Lox
My experiences with nitrous have always shown that you start conservative. I would probably start at 4 degrees less then work my way back up. Just watch your plugs, they will tell the story.
So if my initian timing is set at 14 degrees BTC then I can move it back to 10 degrees and still be ok with starting and stuff???
I believe a good rule of thumb is retard the timing 2 deg. for every 50 hp nitrous setup ex. 150hp n2o setup= 6 degrees
2 deg. for every 50 hp nitrous That's how much I pull out. It's a lot nicer if you use a controller to retard only when you're actually spraying.
Where can I get a controller at that is reasonably cost wise and funtional? What does the controller hook into? thanks Lox
Used to be able to by MSD units for less than $100, but they only retard timing. I use a Jacobs unit. Not only retards timing but has rev limiter, monitors fuel pressure, sets N2O start and stop rpm, proportions shot to rpm. Sells for about $225.
Cool, I'll check jegs, I have an NX window switch for the activation so all i really need is the timing retarded, I may get the optional fuel safety switch for the system too, just depends on how much nitrous I am going to end up using...