I am still interested in putting a T-5 or T-56 in my 76 Maverick. Has anyone used/seen this kit from Ron Morris Performance? http://www.ronmorrisperformance.com/03clutch/index.html Thanks, Ken
i looked at that setup when i put the T5 in one of my cars but went a different route that was easier and cheaper.... but if ur fabbing skills are limited then i would suggest something like that
You can just use an adaptor plate to mate the trans to an old bell and use Maverick or Mustang mechanical linkage/pedals. A T56 with it's integral bellhousing might be a really tight fit.
I'd think a hydraulic throwout bearing is the simplest and 'cleanest' way to go. I have seen pics of T56 installs on Stangnet, and even the big C6 equipped Stangs need some serious tranny tunnel 'raising' to fit a T56 under there. A Maverick might need a cathedral ceiling for a trans tunnel!
dude, that is a mickey mouse kit if I've ever seen one. visit mustang steve. he sells a quadrant you weld on top of the pedal for $40...then buy his firewall adjuster and an autozone cable and you'll have a professional setup for under $200
i dont mine for under $50 ...... BTW, here's some pics of my setup... http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i82/mean_maverick/T5%20swap/
I don't have any wiring up there, mine's all hidden. And it looks like you have cast iron exhaust manifolds, I have headers that take up more room.
So do you have the quadrant that allows clutch adjustment just by pumping the clutch pedal? That's one good feature I've seen with the cable setups. Guess I'm gun shy about using clutch cables, although they're no doubt stronger than they used to be. Back in the late 70s, early 80s I had a V8 pinto with a clutch cable. Used to break all the time. Got to the point I carried spare cables and attached them with hitch pins so I could change them in less than 5 minutes.