what web site has video footage of the drags i would like to watch them again but cant find them thanks john
here is 2008: [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-562855620240333757&hl=en"]Maverick Comet Group MCG 2nd Annual National Gathering[/ame]
here is 2007 in E-town: [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-181283204278764264&hl=en"]mcg_Gathering.mpg[/ame]
Lance.....aka MAVOWAR did both of those video's. He actually made a super sweet one from a few years ago at the Round-up in Owensboro. If I had a DVD burner I would make you a copy. I watch it about once a month....its good motivation
i sure am getting motovated watching these videos i just took the old heads off my 302 getting ready for my new e7 heads that are all redone ported and polished. off of a 89 mustang 302 H.O.
John, Thanks for posting the video ... that and some coffee is a great way to start a Friday morning ... pumped up now!
I can't watch the videos yet because video streams are blocked where I work. Does the video include the pass with the loaded trucks and trailers?
thanks everyone.....whenever I get lazy or frustrated with the car, I put the DVD in and presto......I got MOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some pretty SWEEEEEET mavs and comets there!! How do you post videos? Do you need a digital video camera to do it ?
yep thats pretty much how i did the maverick at pinks all out wheelie contest found it on you tube copied and paste and there it was