so my 70 ran out of gas today. i got it up to the gas station and put 3 gallons into it befor fuel started spilling out :16suspect the part of the tank furtherest to the rear towards the driver's side had a nice punched up area. nothing that looked really hard though. me and my buddy are thinking the pickup got knocked up towards the top of the tank and is only sucking up the top 3 gallons and then is no longer sumerged but i would think the pickup would be in the bottom of the deepest, furthest foward part of the tank and a dent in the back wouldnt be anywhere near the pickup? (this is a "drop in tank" car with a non-functional fuel gauge)
Time to open it up and look inside, if you don't want to keep stoping for gas. Might get a seal so you can at least put it back together, just an idea.
i can hear it pumping (its electric) it still had spark but it took a while to even sound like it was going to want to fire. i think it took that long to re-prime the fuel lines up to the motor from the tank?
Might want to check the electrical connections for the pump.Yeah they need to prime up before it will run again.Its possible the screen fell off or the tube broke away from the pickup when that tank acquired its dent.Pull the pick up assembly and inspect it. Good luck...
can you remove the filler neck an look down in side easily?make sure nothing forein got sucked in the pick up as well.
finally pulled it out this weekend. the pickup rusted off and i still have to get the lower part out of the tank. and im guessing my gauge didnt work because it was all rusted together and the lever wasnt moving
I had the same problem with mine the day i bought it, what a night that was:16suspect. 3 hour trip turned into 5 hours. finally my friends and I found out that if we shook the car side to side when we were filling it, it actually filled up. When i got home the tank was leaking so I took the tank to tank renu. Im curious to see if my tank will take gas normally now. I just got it bolted in and i will be filling it tomorrow so I will update on that.
Interestingly, this new ethanol bended fuels we use tends to strip the old varnish pretty well. The place I would look is the primary fuel filter. I'm willing to bet you didn't run out of fuel, but the carb became starved for fuel maybe? I ran out of fuel a few days ago, but.... it still had 3-4 gallons in it. When I filled it up, it seemed to go for about 10 miles when it proceeded to run out of fuel again. Turned out when I replaced the fuel filter, life was happy again.