EGR valve

Discussion in 'Technical' started by 72comet_GT, Mar 9, 2004.

  1. 72comet_GT

    72comet_GT Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    Mahaffey, PA
    1972 comet GT
    I'm looking to buy a intake manifold and 4v carb for my 1972. It gives me a choice of .....with EGR or non-EGR. Did the 72's come with EGR's? If so......don't I want to eliminate that pollution controll device for more hp? Thanks................DR

    PS....anyone got a intake and autolite 4100 for sale??? .....preferably with 1.08 venturi.
  2. Bluegrass

    Bluegrass Jr. mbr. not really,

    Nov 26, 2003
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    73 Comet GT, EFI, C4, Posi
    Unless you need it for state inspection, leave it off. There is vacuum plumbing to remove if your car has it.
    If the engine is stock and will be for a good while, the factory cast iron 4 barrel intake will provide more throttle response on a stock engine in the lower rpm ranges and still provide a good increase on top end.
    The 4100 unless prepped can be a pain because the idle circuits has been engineered for lean fuel and causes off idle hesitation quite often. The secondary operation may also give a problem operating and can't be controlled like a Holley can.
  3. 72comet_GT

    72comet_GT Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    1972 comet GT
    No kiddin. My dad ( who has been into the fords all his life) told me to get a holley 600cfm....I read that the 4100's were the carb of choice, especially the ones with 1.08 venturi (better vapor distribution) so ya think that was just true for the earlier model 289's and 302's?? Heres what I am doing to the motor this spring since I am on a tight budget here. More or less a stock rebuild with the exception of 30 over bore, mild cam, intake and 4v carb. Can't afford good heads. What would you suggest for intake and carb?? ..................Thanks!!:cool:
  4. MKmaverick72

    MKmaverick72 Member

    Nov 22, 2002
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    EGR's didn't come out until 73 and when they did most people had to plug them anyway just to get the car to run right.
  5. Bluegrass

    Bluegrass Jr. mbr. not really,

    Nov 26, 2003
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    73 Comet GT, EFI, C4, Posi
    If your on a tight budget; like I mentioned, use a factory cast iron 4 barrel. You should not have to spend any more than $50 for one.
    A Holley 600 vacuum secondary is a good choice. Spend some time fine tuning it and you will be suprised with the results. Play with recurving the dist. advance.
    Been there long ago.
    For a cam, consider an RV grind. Very good throttle response and inexpensive at about $80. The advisery is that they don't wind above there rated rpm band so you don't need to much of heads for it to work.
    When the specs say a certian top rpm, they mean it. The engine will stop pulling a short way beyond because of the lobe profile and not meant to make hi rpm power but broad torque in the stock rpm range.
  6. 72comet_GT

    72comet_GT Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    1972 comet GT
    Thanks for the info Blugrass. I am pretty new to this so please excuse my ignorance...I'm not sure what you mean by RV grind.....and the cheapest cam I've seen in SUMMIT is over 100.00. Can you explain...and where can I look for one? I was originally thinking of getting a Crane Cam from Summit with a 1,500-4,500 range (.456/.484). I agree, all I really need is a original cast iron intake and 600cfm carb for the performance I am looking for. I'm not building a race car...I just want a little snap and pop...but a daily cruiser too. I didn't mention that I am putting gears in too....along with a shift kit. I have had conflicting views about headers though. I am told they are more of a pain in the ass then they are worth. My buddy told me to just leave the stock exaust manifolds on....says the headers always work their way loose. Thanks again................................D Ray
  7. 72comet_GT

    72comet_GT Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    1972 comet GT
    Hopefully I can all this done in time to drive down to Carlise in June. You gunna be there Blugrass?
  8. Bluegrass

    Bluegrass Jr. mbr. not really,

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Easton, Pa
    73 Comet GT, EFI, C4, Posi
    The prices of nearly everything is now slowly going up. The kits used to be around $80. It includes lifters that are a must to break in on a new cam.
    Crane has a 272* duration can for 1800 to 5400 rpm $115. JEGS PN 270-130052.
    There are still some cam kits under a $100. Call Summit and ask for info in the cams you don't see but you have to tell them what cam your interested in.
    Go to websites for Crane, Comp Cams and look at there selections.
    The catalogs don't list all there is from the companies.
    You will look for a cam with a single pattern duration around 274. This type grind gives very good low and mid range troque but stops pulling very guickly above it's rated rpm. This is the they way they act in order to have the high torque at the lower speeds.
    Couple this with a finely tuned carb and recurved ingnition and you can have nearly the response of fuel injection.
    For rear gear, I would reccomend 3.55 or 3.80 in 8" depending on how you feel about using the car on the highway. As an example, a 3.0 gear at 65 mph will run the engine around 2800 rpm +/- depending on tire size.
    This combo will certinaly burn the tires from a stand still so you need to control the urges to use the power and get into trouble.
    I seldom go to Carlisle any longer and presently am involved with sprint car racing at a track near carlisle.
    Our car is one of only a few to run a 358 Ford Windsor. It uses alky as a fuel and develpes about 550 hp thru a 4 barrel carb. The track rpm runs between 4000 off the turns to as high as 7600 + rpm depending on the gearing at the time. I am at this moment fitting Total Seal Gappless rings to the block and hope to be ready to go in about another 2 weeks.
    For your interest, the cam is a custom grind from Comp Cams in the 290 * range at lifts around .600.
    Heads are Ford racing N351.

    There is always a difference of opinion about what you can use in your engine but I gave you first hand experience based on what your stated desires are.
    I'm sure, in the future you will want more but cross that bridge when is comes. You have lots of time to enjoy the different levels of performance and learn from it.
    Good luck with your car.
  9. 72comet_GT

    72comet_GT Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    1972 comet GT
    Thanks for all the info Bluegrass! It's funny you should mention Sprint Car dad and uncle are Sprint car NUTS (and Ford guys). They go to many many races and always go to the pits if they can, they even travel out of state for races. They are from Tyrone Pa, if ya know where that is. They both are meeting me in Carlise this year for the show....we are heading over to the races after...I think Fri night. I have never been to a Sprint car race, and these guys are really eager to turn me on to them. Let me know what car your you're with so I can stop by and say hello...and check out the car, as I'll be in the pits. Later...and thanks again for the info!.....................D Ray
  10. Bluegrass

    Bluegrass Jr. mbr. not really,

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Easton, Pa
    73 Comet GT, EFI, C4, Posi
    Track is Silver Spring Seedway , Mechanicsburg about 45 min. from where the car show is. Sat nites. Many drivers come that run the 410 cu/in injected cars
    on the 1/2 mile tracks like Williams Grove, so the competition is as high as you will ever see anywhere in the country.
    This track is sticky clay and results in traction so high most of the time that our cars will lift the front wheels off, coming out of the turns and all the way down the straights.
    Last year there was 27 features run with no repeat winners.
    Our car will be a silver #27 Ford powered.
    All are winged.
    You can always tell the Fords by looking at the headers out the side. They are evenly spaced as opposed to the two center pipes togather on the Chevs.
    Hope you can make it.
  11. 72comet_GT

    72comet_GT Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    Mahaffey, PA
    1972 comet GT
    Sounds awesome. My father practically foams at the mouth when he talks sprint....I think the plan is Williams Grove Fri, then Silver Springs Sat. We'll be walking around checking out the cars, so I'll be sure look for yours, and cheer ya on. Good luck.

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