I am considering cutting the towers when I pull my motor next month. It is "only" a 302 but I like the idea of easier plug access. Anyone have pics of this mod without the engine? I did a search but it is a popular subject and I did not find what I was looking for. Do I need to do anything suspension wise? Is the top narrowed or is it somewhere down lower where the cut starts? Can I still use my tower braces? (the ones I just had chromed) Thanks everyone, Scotty P
Take a good look at the areas. If you carefully cut the supports so shaped flat plates can be welded back in, the strength should be maintained. Don't cut out any more than needed. I would measure the the distance accross from one point to another for reference to make sure that distance does not change while your working on the job and for future reference in case they start to move inward. Always use the firewall braces.
scotty, i saw some pics. on here the other day that might be what you are looking for. it showed the steps on how to do it. i will see if i can find them...frank...:bananaman :bananaman
Start the cut about 3/8 to 1/2 inch inboard from the shock mounting bracket. Using a body saw and chalk marks, cut down to just above the highest of the two upper control arm bolts. Fabricate your filler plate from good clean 1/8th or 3/16th's steel plate. Make a cardboard pattern first, for both the vertical and horizontal pieces. A good wire welder works well for finishing the job along with a small surface grinder. Pretty basic if you have the skill and tools etc. Good luck, you will like the results.
^AWESOME! I love this board. Thanks to all!!! Just wish it were around in high school when I was on the garage floor for six weeks making my own motor mounts for the conversion!!Scotty P