Got me one of these today...anything I should know about shackling a Maverick before I attempt it, or is it like any other car? The box says I might need Shock stud extenders....does anyone know if I will? I just replaced the shocks with new gas shocks...I plan on raising it to the middle or last hole...which will raise it probably about 2-4"
them are not the "best" to use. if used, mount them in the short hole and cut the rest off. you don't use these to raise a will be unstable... JMO...Frank
My Comet's already unstable with the stock shackles. My old 67 big block Mustang was far more stable with the extended shackles.
im not going to tell u not to use them, but be careful with them. like Frank said, use the shortest hole and cut off the rest. if possible, have someone weld a peice of steel in the center to make it more stable
...I have mine set in the middle hole...did nothing to the fine...big 225 back tires fit now...aggressive stance with the 207s up front. I used a large bolt in the middle to stabilize them so they didn't fold over taking a turn. In a perfect world I would have used higher arched springs instead coupled with HUGE back tires that stuck out more.
where have i seen these before... oh thats right... my car... man do they look awful, i cant wait to get new leafs and shackles i dont know what the guy who owned the car before me was thinking...
hmm perhaps Ill just take them back then...didnt know theyd look like THAT......whats the best(and cheapest) way to lift a rear-end then? I dont have a lot of leeway for spending cash.
If your building a drag race car that only sees speed while going straight then you will be fine. The shackle could fold sideways or bend something when driving through a curve. There's a lot of G-force applied to the spring links with body roll. The long shackle will multiply this force with the leverage. I personal wouldn't cut them off, I like the old school look. But I think it looks stupid and dangerous on the last or next to the hole.
My '69.5 had shackles when I got it. They were 8 inches tall, and the springs were in the last hole. Those, combined with a seriously worn out front end and inadequate original front drums, made for a dangerous and horrible driving car. You could literally feel the rear of the car sway driving down the road, and it was really bad going around corners. Sad thing was, even with it lifted that much in the rear, it still had the saggy ass problem. The rear springs were THAT worn out.