Has anyone tried to fit a rear spoiler from the new mustang gt? If so how does it look. They look like the old 69 and 70 fastback style. Thanx, Chuck
I found one on e-bay. It had the measurements and i went out and measured my trunk and It looks like it might be a shy narrow. Cant be sure unless I have it sitting on my deck lid. There were several there around $130 including shipping. Not too bad I guess. Im just trying to get a vision of what I want to do. Even though my car only has a 200i6, I still want it to look sporty.
just look up the spoiler on google. it looks like it would work. deffinitly think it would look cool on the back of a comet/maverick. i say buy it. if it doesnt work sell it, bound to be a mustang freak out there.
Have you looked closely at one on a car?? I've seen several at cruise ins this past summer. They are curved into an arc across the trunk lid while the old ones were pretty straight. The total width and height is real close but I'd want to see one sitting on the deck lid before I bought it! This smilies mouth is about how curved the spoiler is. Scott
Yeah I did notice the curve. Thats why I asked if anyone had tried it. The curve and the width was my concern.