Can you tell buy looking at the my images you can see what my motor looked like it was a mass air fuel injected motor. Didnt have mass air on 85 i dont think......
Same block crank, and rods and oilpan? Yea. Same timing cover, cam , intake, exhaust, pistons, heads,etc? No.
No. Cams were different, and HOs had the roller long before the regular 5.0. Eventually 5.0 got roller cam as well, but it was still 289 firing order. Only the HO got the 351w firing order, and had roller cam/block long before the Vic. Vic got roller blocks eventually, then they got the roller block with a roller cam finally. Trucks went many years with roller block, but flat cam. When HOs got serp belts, they were reverse rotate from the start. There were some serp belt non-HOs with standard rotation. Yes, heads were same. Blocks were same after a year or two of 'catch up'... HOs had forged pistons until 92... Vics and trucks didn't. Those are high points off the top of my head. Too many to say they had the same engine.
So im curious why would somebody go to all that truouble to put that on dont make sense. What would be the gain ??
87 could have a roller cam I suppose. HOs got them in 85... Vics and trucks got the blocks not to long after, when the non-roller blocks were used up. Trucks had roller blocks and flat cams till about 92. The earliest roller Vic I have noticed was an 88, but then I don't recall ever studying an 87... By 87 Ford had pretty much mastered the roller cam and the HO hey-day had begun... So it wouldn't surprise me. A Vic with a roller would still have the 289 firing order and the cam would be quite a bit less aggressive than an HO. I replaced my 90 truck engine with an 88 Vic roller.... The truck had reverse rotate. The Vic had serp, but standard rotate. I had to swap parts. The 90 engine was a roller block, reverse rotate, E7 heads, flat cam. They mixed parts during those transition years. Whatever suited them using up the old parts, while keeping the 5.0 HO top dog, is what they did.
Well I enjoy a spirited discussion more than most... but I'm done. The timing cover will fit and meet his needs. The timing pointer will transfer and meet his needs. That's all what matters. Good night all!
Don't leave yet. To throw another wrench in the spokes...the early 289's have two more lower bolts holding the water pump to the TC cover.
This is the early 289 cover I was talking abour earlier. A 67 Mustang I had awhile back had this cover. It also had an iron pump to match. As far as when the Vic 5.0 went roller, that was in 86 or 87. Same cam was later used in the 92-93 truck & van. In 94 to 97 the trucks and vans used the F4TE roller with the Windsor firing order. This cam was later used in the 96-2001 Explorer/Mountaineer 5.0.
I lost interest in 5.0s after 92/93... They dumbed them down and started the long, gradual switch to 4.6, so I stopped following them. This led to my obsession with LSx engines and T56 trannys too.