351w headers Heya. I have a 351w in my mav with headers on it... I cut my towers and welded in plate. Even with the cutting (and I did the max) these headers are a super tight fit... they're cheapo summits and we still had to mod them. However.... I have a set of custom made, full length, 351w headers, drop in with ZERO cutting, sitting in my basement all wrapped up in plastic. They're brand new. I had them made at...significant... cost. They're raw and should be ceramic coated, etc. These are not for backyarders unless you can weld a bit...in order to have them full length several of the tubes are not welded and slip into the collector individually and then get welded up. This allows the motor to be fully bolted in before the headers are installed. I was going to save them for when my summits inevitably rot. But... There is also a place making them for mavs...but its hit or miss (example- they may have them listed in their catalog...but call up to get them and their one and only fabricator isn't "doing those" at the moment and you get put on a list...wait for months...etc etc...and they're costly.) I've built several 351w mavs both for myself and for customers and its always easier just to have a set custom made by a local exhaust guy/racer who knows what he/she is doing, if you have the $$. I have pics of all this stuff... anyone can email me anytime if I can be of help in any way. madmaxmaverick@msn.com Good luck dude!
hey i needed my car running and didn't have the epuipment to do it right so i get to do it agian some day. should be lots of fun.
I quote myself, lol Yep- thems the ones, lol. The only bummer is, as in the song: "The waiting is the hardest part" ...and wait ye will.
i'm still in the process of figuring my header situation, try a 351w with a top loader 4 spd and the linkage, that was fun,don't want to do that again
Many of us recieved our Crites headers in December, we waited a few weeks. I Ordered mine on 10-28-08 and recieved them on 12-17-08.
I figured out what my transmission is and it is a c4, maybe it was a different car that my grandpa was thinking of. Does anyone know where to get some cheap rebuild kits?
Well- it may be splitting hairs but man, thats close to two months...which is fine if your in a position to wait close to 60 days... if I swap motors during a race week I need pipes in 4-5 days max... which is why I mentioned having a local builder fab them up. Nothing wrong with the Crites stuff- its actually a really nice piece (I own them as well)...but maybe its because I'm an impatient bugger from new england, but I can't wait that long for a part particularly when I can get a whole crate motor for a track event delivered here ready to fire in a few days time. To illustrate: right here on my desk I have an invoice from this PAST June for a set from them for a customers car- directly next to that I have my delivery slip for said headers... second week of December. Thats a stretch man... my customer didn't wait that long, he just had an exhaust shop weld him up a set. I'm sure he paid somewhat more...but if he had waited for them, his car would have been off the street for what, 6 months?! Thats crazy bro. (which , by the way, means I have a set of them sitting here now that I don't have a customer for, lol) Again- I'm not in this thread to bicker and I DO like Crites, I do B to B with them for my mounts, x-members, etc... my personal opinion is simply that as regards 351w headers for a mav the more logical (or perhaps expediant) solution is to have them made locally by a shop that has access to your car. cheers man -
Try Bulk parts they have decent prices and good parts. There isn't a kit made that will get you all the parts you need but they have all the parts.... Cheap is a relative term. I like a good price just like everybody else but if that price doesn't get you decent parts then it is too much to spend (for what you get. You will never remember the savings when you have to do it a second time but you will often forget the price you paid to be happy with the quality you got.
Normally I wouldn't be able to think of a good thing about living up there, however you are lucky in respect to being close to Tubular Automotive. I have had several of their headers and liked them, and while dealing with them they said that they can customize their stuff, or if they had the car, build them special. Have you dealt with Tubular? They make a small tube set of headers in question. I feel confident that if they had the car right there, they would build a set with big tubes. IIRC, they wouldn't build that particular set with bigger tubes without the car handy. I was talking to them about these headers and Cleveland headers. They will use bigger tubes for the Cleveland headers without a car in shop though. Anyway, just a thought.
If you mean the Tubular over in Rockland- then yes indeed. They do have several guys working there that are putting out really nice stuff and as you mentioned- they will customize things in-house if the car is present. I have a guy working for me now that can build just about anything from a tube chassis to a digital fuel injection circut board...so at present I just have him make whatever is needed. We get a lot of the materials from Pypes, etc. This is off topic a *bit* I think...but what started this whole thing (searching for a good set of 351w headers) at least for me, is that Ford heads are...let us say...conservative in their exhaust port design. The motor currently in my personal car has a small roots blower on it...the last thing it needs is restrictive headers on top of the poor head design. Thats why I didn't want to just take a set of hooker shorties and smash the hell out of them to fit, lol. I'm not some elitest goober who frowns on using bone yard parts or cheap but 'git-er-done' type stuff... I don't want to come off that way- its just that when it comes to some things I think its best in the long run to just put out the cashola. (i.e. pay the butchers bill at a local custom shop). and as for not having a good reason for living here in new england...I can think of a few...and also a few good reasons not to live in FL... giant bugs, humidity, english as a second language.... But its all good man, there are good/bad things about living everywhere...except maybe Rawanda, thats pretty much all a pisser.
The address is http://www.bulkpart.com The one you posted is to a search engine that goes nowhere you want to be.
Mad Max Mav, Why is it that below your avitar it says you have 55 images but when I click on it there are none? I (and no doubt everyone else here)would really like to see some pics of the car discribed in your sig ,could you post some?