i thought your were reffering to Los Angeles, either way its far but if you can come this way to play, sure why not
i was thinking of local meet but if this become big, someone has to help me organize this n think of doin something besides drinkin coffee at night at starbucks
San Francisco, i know of 5 or 6 others here in the city: met this one onange and white 71 grabber just this mornin, old guy says he baught it new and will never sell it, so i asked him to put me in his will.
i know other 2 at work in GENENTECH south san francisco, one is a beige grabber and one dirty white maverick. i gonna leave a invite note tomorrow.
Hell i might have to come down to sf and meet up with u guys, i'll try and talk to my buddy and see if he will come out and play.... hope to hear abuot a meet.
still think we all should meet up at a car show of some sort. make a big scene; because there's usually no mavericks in car shows around here
lets do a mini meet before anything so that we can gather up people first. i have another group that has american muscle car that i hang out with, i used to just bring my celica there to the saturday night meets. they usually know events such as car shows, drag event, and drive events.
good idea. i have some buddies into jdm stuff, drift cars n such. but not to get off topic, should we have some sort of sign up list for maverick owners interested in meeting up in our area? or how do we go about it..
i would love to swamp the 4th of July car show up here this summer.... last year it was just my buddy's mav there, my car was torn apart . i felt bad 99%was GM and Mopar there was like only 5 classic Fords. he payed 20 bucks just to have people look at his car and vote for a stupid Camaro.
lets start off by having a small mini meet like this one were trying to arrange by posting in this message board, then we can move on to bigger board to let everyone know or know whats happening around our town. ive never seen maverick meets ever actually, so lets all make this happen.
You didn't need to leave the note's on the cars, you could have just came in the maintenance shop and said hi, hell I work just a few yards from you,did you like my blue one?