I had an idea in the middle of the night. The rubber bumper inserts on my '73 are severely cracked and dried. I thought, "Bahb, I call myself Bahb, why don't you use that plastic stuff you get in can for dipping tool handles for 'that cushony non-slip grip that you so need to keep from busting your knuckles when using oily tools' as a filler and finish on the parts?" I've never used the stuff but it seems to me that might work to fill the cracks and smooth the surface. Any comments? Heck, this is a forum. Of course there are comments
I'm going to try finding black plastic if it's available I was just about to do a search. I'll let you know
this looks like what I was thinking about http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/variant.asp?catalog%5Fname=USPlastic&category%5Fname=19349&product%5Fid=2363&variant%5Fid=38058
We'll see if it does work. I just ordered up a 14.5 oz can. with shipping...Total Purchase: $14.14. If this stuff works, it could solve a lot of crack and hole issues