im working on a 1960 mercury and it wont turn over, the battery was charging when i did so and all the lights work, i cleaned the carb tonight but i know thats not the problem, do you think it is possibly a bad starter? im not sure but i want to get it started to get rid of the darn thing! thanks guys
When you turn the key, do you hear any clicking noise from the solenoid? Have you tried bumping it over at the solenoid with a screw driver? Got any pics of the car?
no it doesnt click at all that what i was thinking the solenoid but i dont have any pics right now im taking some tomorrow tho ill post them then
Could also be a bad ignition switch or the 2 small wires on the solenoid are on the wrong terminal. The black w/red wire goes next to the battery cable...the red w/blue is next to the starter cable
And or course we're still curious as to what 1960 Merc you wanna get rid of... I used to carry a 2x4 in my Buick to whack the starter when it wouldn't tun over. Sometimes a tap with a screwdriver just isn't enough.
its a Montclair, i guess there pretty rare as nadas low retail is 5,500 so i really want to get it started, and want to hear the good thing? i got the car for free : )
need to get down to basics. check the bat voltage when cranking. if good then check the voltage on the starter side of the solonoid. if good check for voltage at the bat cable on the starter. if good put a starter in.
ok guys i got it today, what ever it was, it wasnt anything big i messed around with about every thing i thought it could be and now its cranking just not starting probably just not getting gas or needs new spark plugs