was wondering if anybody had a link to a video or just the sound of a straight piped 302 mav? was thinkin about puttin cutouts on mine and wanna know what it sounds like..
[ame="http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Ford-Maverick-short_8494.htm"]Ford Maverick short burnout.- Video[/ame] It's roughly a thousand times louder than this in person. This is 3" with a balance tube off the collectors and out under the doors.
Here is my maverick with open headers. [ame=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q34/cole639/?action=view¤t=IMG_0065-3.flv][/ame] [ame=http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q34/cole639/?action=view¤t=IMG_0066.flv][/ame]
I didnt have that much money for mine, thats why it has open headers. Its just an old 79 "smog" 302 with a 2V carb and intake backed by a stock c4/c5 with a B&M shift kit.
not bad...lol i tend to brag on my motor just because im SO PROUD that i've got a 72 maverick with numbers matching 302 i just couldnt believe it when i pulled the engine and found the serial code on it and it was the same as my car...but yea im planning on making some cutouts that i can just switch open...i know that in tennessee its illegal to have cutouts workable from inside the car....(but what htey dont know dont hurt em)
ive drive many cars right thru town open headers... that's the good thing about living in a small country town, they dont give a crap
Their not here either but that still dosent keep me from having them. I have not once had a police officer give me trouble over them. I've met state troopers, city police, and sherif cars before and none of them even offered to hit the brakes.
I sure miss driving mine with open pipes. Sounded fine with stock 302, and even better with open headers on a mild built 302. I have sound clips of both if interested.
wait, i lied. I went to my website and remembered that i didn't have a way to record the straight pipes on the stock 302 when I had it that way. That was before my recording and web design days. All I have is the stock with glasspaks and dualled super 44s. Sorry:sorry: