I want to add to my project list this flapper scoop but my question is I want it to pop through the hood. any body have one or know what i need to do to make it pop through hood? would a 2" carb spacer do the trick would that be the only thing i need?
scoop Would depend a bit on what intake you're gonna run . A 2 " spacer certianly won't hurt anything. Careful with the hood !! Measure twice , cut once. I have an old school bug catcher type if your interested. Looks like this one. SUM-G3021
what intake are you using? a victor jr intake puts the carb realy close to the hood. that intake with a 2" spacer would probly do the trick. most other intakes are alot shorter and would require more of a spacer.
Gonna use that scoop too except mine will be the chrome one, I have an Edelbrock Performer that I'll be running a 2 or 3" spacer with.
too much money and not necassary i think a 2 or 3" spacer will do the trick but any one know the measurements for making the hole? Where the area is?
I had a tunnel ram on my '41 Willys Pickup Gasser and to get the scoop the right height sticking out of the tilt nose I made a couple sheetmetal "tubes" about 4" high and put real long carb. studs to bolt scoop on,I'll try and find some pics.
To measure for a scoop that will stick through the hood, I have seen it mocked-up with strings taped to the fenders with the hood off of the car. Get the strings set with the right gap around the scoop. You want them tight. Mark the tape where the strings touch the fenders. You can now cut the strings. Remove the scoop and whatever else will prevent you from closing the hood. Put the hood back on and now stretch a new set of strings between your marks. I ought to get you right where you need to be. A couple of notes ... The hole may not be centered ... some cars have offset motors, but I think Mavs are located in the middle. You might need to have some extra space at the front so that the hood clears the scoop when opened. A jigsaw with a metal cutting blade works well for cutting hoods. Line the bottom plate of the saw with masking tape to keep from marking up the paint.
lets see a nice roots tipe blower and put the hood and hinges in the shed. there you fo same look more power.
i had a 63 1/2 falcon hardtop with tunnle and two 4's that string meathod souns like it would work. but what i did was to get a piece of allthread 1/4 x 20. youl have to make a guess how long. put it in the air cleaner bolt hole of the front carb (since i had two) then adjust it out untill it starts contacting the hood. just enough to make a scratch! i had two round (9" i think) aircleaners on it with velocity stacks. so thats where i drilled the first hole. the second hole is drilled the distance between the two carb aircleaner bolt holes. then i drew a radius about 1/2 inch or so larger than my aircleaners around both holes and made a straight line down both sides. then i got out the jigsaw!