Ah, this is cool! So, how about the ideas I mentioned in the first post? I kinda like the idea of hanging out at the track myself, and that would help us in picking a date, since their calendar is posted on the website. But I'd be interested in hearing any other ideas...
well an issue i would have would be getting money together for the trip and any expenses i would have to take care of...but i think i would be able to manage somehow..i can always borrow some more money for the tip...
I guess that's a consideration. The track costs $10 to watch or $20 to race, and hanging out in a parking lot is free. Then again, the tickets, impound fees and potential jail time for testing 1/4 mile times on Summer Ave. or the Mississippi Bridge would cost more...
Any date or location on this yet? If the mav isn't ready, I'll bring the trucks. (The dog's name is Truck) road trip
No date or location yet, but I'll set up a poll to work that out once we see how much interest there is...
would it be possible to do it around april? just tryin to get a generally idea of when we do it...i jsut got a new job and i wanna make sure im gonna be off when we decide to do this..
Okay, still wanna do this, let's get some momentum up! Olive Branch City Hall parking lot was suggested. Pretty good place from what obmav says. Still open to other ideas, and still looking for a date that's good for the majority. Was thinking a Friday or Saturday night in the near future, hopefully before it gets too brutally hot outside...
mini meet in olive branch, fri or sat would be fine with me I need to know afew days in advance so I can get off work. not off on the weekends.
memphis mini meet That would be a nice little cruz up US 78 for you. I will be looking into finding a date for this meet. It was nice meeting you and seeing your car you have got a nice set up.