my 73 maverick grabber has shifting problems between 2nd and third gear. It's a 302/c4. Is this just a dirty filter?
shifting the C4 in my mustang did that I got a can of seafoam" Trans tune" I dumped half a can in drove it for a week then I dropped the pan and filter, changed the fluid, then I dumped the rest of the can of trans tune in after a couple days it cleared up and has been working good ever since. ps. also its a good idea to check the vacuum module, pull the hose off and if the inside of the hose is oily or oil drips out of the module replace it.
I had a similar problem last summer with the C4 in the Stallion. I just dumped the fluid and changed the filter and the problem corrected itself nicely. Another member here with a survivor Grabber told me of a similar problem he had. He works at a Ford dealer. He was advised by the transmission man to shift the car manually for a short time. He did that and his problem corrected. I changed the fluid/filter in both Mavs and they both shift fine.
Do you have a picture of this vacuum module or can you at least tell me where it's located? I'd really like to check mine. Also I can't find "vacuum module" on
try "modulator" or "modulator valve". there are two basic types: screw-in and push-in. its located in the passenger rear of the trans very near to the crossmember. has a rubber vacuum line going to it which comes from the engine with manifold vacuum in it. if you pull line off the valve and there is trans fluid in it, you need a new modulator. which type, and one vac or 2 vac line. when you remove it, fluid should come out ( not a lot). if you can jack rear higher than front of car, then less possible mess, if any.
o.k. that sounds like a plan. it has a new modulator on it(that was a pain). thanks everyone for your help!!