Gene, call me bud . You get the discount just like everyone else on this board. Just mention this board and your user name. These do work with column shift cars. No, these don't work with the gt40p's. Sorry Slant. Thanks for the nice words Bob. Jamie
How is production going I don't see a reply since a few months back. Did you get the production going? I'm looking to put headers on my '74 soon. Scott
Ditto. You can call our sales dept. @ (951) 739-5900 and ask for Nick. Tell him that you are from this board and he will fix you up . See what grbmaverickmo wants for his first though .
I do not know if anyone actually put these on a power steering car but the collector clears the pitman arm but when the pipe is on it will not allow full left turns.The pipe will have to be dimpled.