Particularly in a race car, some people will put in switches for a fuel pump, ignition/coil, water pump, fan, etc. But in a street cars, this is gonna make it pretty easy to steal...
Wire in a dual switch/relay setup so that a toggle switch has to be flipped for power/run and a wireless radio pickup will sense your alarm keyfob. If both events occur, you will have power and the pushbutton will work. Otherwise, the car will not have power. Security is built in, and starting is as easy as unlocking your car with keyless entry, flipping the toggle, and pushing the button. This is kinda what I had planned for mine
this is a BASIC/primitive way to do it and I wouldn't leave it this way for long. all the toggle is doing is saving your points from burning and is a small theft deterrent. If I remember everything else stays live( wipers radio etc) with a set up like this. Definitely take 69.5 Mav up on his offer or wire it permanently with relays by breaking out the wiring harness and keeping the safeguards intact (neutral safety switch etc.) I'm not to sure its been about 20 years since I did something like this so if I'm wrong PLEASE somebody correct me
ok will im already running 2 wires from the soleniod to a button hidden inside my glovebox. I just pull the ignition switch rod and push the "secret" button and my car starts but i want to do away with the ignition switch on the column. IM gettin tired of pulling and psuhing in that rod and sometimes that rod falls off so i gotta hook it back on the switch. i would put everything back in the column and go back to stock but all the parts were thrown away so even if i got the tumble abck in the rods n stuff for it are all missing. I really want to do the push button start and hidden kill switch
yeah i could but why dump 3 hours of work into exchanging out a column when I can do some wiring in 30 minutes? Well maybe for an hour and 2 drinks later. Im not compatible with electricity and wiring. Give me an tool set and a motor and well be best friends but wiring is a no-no for me.
you are a weird-one............... seriously, the info has been posted on "how to do it" now you just gotta do it
okie dokie ill look into it, it just seems like im missing something. whats the purpose of the ignition switch then?? what happens to that? how do i delete it or do i put everything that was on that switch to toggles?? how do i turn on my accessories??
This might help... Look at the ignition switch connector on page 2. I think what I'd do is keep the ignition switch in the "on" position, then cut the white+light blue wire on the ignition switch connector. That should kill power to your electronic ignition system if I'm reading this correctly. Shave the two ends of the wire you just cut, use crimp connectors to add two longer wires to those, and attach them to a toggle switch. In this configuration, you'll have to turn your accessories on and off manually, like the heater, radio, etc. but the engine will not start unless that toggle switch is on, and you can use that toggle to kill it as well.
If your not a compatible with electricity and wiring then a column swap makes sense. About 7 nuts and bolts and an electrical plug or two. You have the limited security of a key and all of the accessories and starter work as designed. It is your car, go for it.
Here is what I am going to do I would say its a "turn-key" kit, but that wouldn't be quite right LOL
Maybe this is just me being paranoid... But if I were you, once you have this setup working, I would delete this thread so that random people on the Internet don't know how easy it is to steal your car.
o sweet i needed that diagram!! i had it once and i lost it. thank you!! this should help, well now i gotta go lok at my car and my button and find some toggle switches and go from there.
o dont worry Il have a kill switch on it too but no one is gonna steal my car. ive left it for 2 days with the windows down and doors unlocked and nothing was missing. no one is gonna take a car with an inline six
lol yeh... whos going to stick their finger in a cigarette lighter... i can see it now... you have some one in the car and they say WHAT ARE YOU DOING!! lol