I just got my 6901's can you guys give me some feed back in to those if any mods needed? Stock 302 engine C4 trany.
I'm not hijacking the thread but does the 6901 stick really far out under the car? I'm asking because the headers that my mechanic put in my car are so low that when I go over the speed bumps I scrape them unless I go ultra slow.
good luck, I couldn't make anything near a left hand turn with those, still looking for a set that works right, but then again, I got mine from autozone and they may have been inferior
if those are the Hooker Comps I don't know about everyone but while my passenger side just fell in, and I mean fell in if you didn't use a bolt it'd fall back down to the floor, the driver's side with the z-bar was probably the hardest thing I've done on the car. Not to discourage you but plan for a lot of cussing and stopping and starting. My sig has pics of how tight it is on the driver's side is. Edit: I had to disassemble the ball joint on the back of the block slide the header in and reconnect it weaving through the header tube. I dont what I did to make it so much difficult but in any case its in now.
no p/s, the pitman arm ran right into the #6 (I think) tube at anything left of straight, tried to rework them, but suceeded in destroying it