i have a 72 parts car, and a 75 driver. my 72 is in dam good shape for what i payed for it, but its got a dent in the front and a dent in the rear, both minor incidents that ruined the front bmper and the rear trunk lid. the front bumper looks like he bumped into a bumper or pole and it bent in 3 places, it even pulled in and f'ed up the fender. if i ever finish my 75 and have some minor bump in a parking lot, i want those big bumpers on there to save the car. i would be so mad if i did the bumper swap, all the body and paint work just to have the whole thing ruined because of that flimsy bumper. yeah they look nice but... dont you want a real bumper.
I have spent many years driving around economical "safe" cars that I thought were hideous, several times I have compromised on safety and economy just to realize it does not make much of a difference in some cases (had a semi run over the front end of my 98 Buick while I was sitting at a stoplight because she...yes a she, (oh and for you guys in ogden it was right by associated foods) did not see anyone in my lane). The Maverick is something like a cure for a early mid life crysis. If I wanted a "safe" car I would just buys something new. Myself (and alot of other people) bought these cars for their looks. Originally they were designed for small bumpers, the big bumpers were, as stated earlier, a government compliance and I hate to say it it really shows that the maverick was slated for the chopping block when they were stuck on there. If you look at the pintos or the other cars that carried over for the duration of the big bumpers most of them got redesigned for them to fit the profile of the car, but the maverick never did. So say what you want about them, they did not want them there they were forced to be there but take it or leave it some prefer the 5mph safety bumpers, other prefer asthetics.
does anyone know the weight difference between the two? if a person was to change to small how much weight would be taken off the car?
I really like the big bumpers but 100 pounds is alot of extra weight to carry i will have to think about that one
Well, after looking at the bumper tucks, I personally think a tucked in big bumper(off of a 73 or 74) looks better than the small bumper. However, I must say that the rear looks a hell of a lot better with the small bumper than the big one.
com'on. not all mustang guys prefer an all original 6 cyl coupe with the correct hubcaps, paint markings under the hood and tailpipe hangers, to a modified v8 done the way i like it! those people get on my nerves. but to each his own. dont be such a maverick!
The rear big bumper is 54 lbs not counting the mounts. The rear small bumper is 16 lbs including the mounts. Big front bumper is 89 lbs including the mounts.
Dan! Say it ain't so! You have the best looking car that ever was and ever will be. Ok ok, so what ya gonna do? Or is it a secret?:16suspect
how about black bumpers AHA!!! lol disregard the betty boop stuff...its an older pic from the previous owner