Well its not about my Comet or the Maverick still sitting on the trailer... I got back into my bad habit of tinkering with my diesel truck. Its bad when the truck makes more hp then the drag car you tow behind it...lol The end result after 3 pulls was 589hp/1184 ft lbs http://www.1320x.com/video/1320x-dyno-dodge-truck
LOL... I highly doubt that, But from a 30mph roll things are a bit different. Id say it would take a pretty quick car to pull on the truck. In 4th around 50mph when the chargers lite it will break the tires loose. Fun as heck
Oh, I figured you done built one of those bad boys I see on Pinks All Out every now and then turning 10's!!!
Aint nothin better then seeing pick-up black smoke, truck a shuddering n shaking, then seeing the score board light up 10s-11s in the 1/4. I love watching the diesels when they come to our track! Dyno looked good,,,, Much rather see ya making the TIME SLIP!!!!! he he,,, are you in the diesel club, coming to Pittsburgh?
Speaking of "Pinks" not sure if anyone noticed but that is Nate Pritchit at the controls of my truck on the dyno. He opend a shop about 45min from my house. It was an open house for the guys from 1320X a new circut of racing he is heading up. We didnt mean to bomb the place but I made a few calls. The high HP 1st 2nd and 3rd were diesels 1114hp(NOS),1010(NOS),848 fuel only, I was around 6th....LOL As for dragracing it, I cant shift fast enough with the duel disk clutch. I have however drove a friends tuck for him and clicked of a few 11.20's @ 124mph on diesel and washer fluid injection. If we could ony get the tire shake under control at around 100ft I think we could get her in the 10's. I need to get some video of it up. As for Pittsburg, Im not sure. I think NADM has an event or two there. The big news is from NHRA, here is a letter... NHRA Division three approves the “Pro Street Diesel” class to run during the JEGS NHRA SPORTSnationals at National Trail Raceway near Columbus, OH. The event is on the Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series schedule for September 25-27, with Pro Street qualifying (8 trucks will go to elim‘s) on Saturday the 26th and Eliminations on the 27th. This is a chance to get in on the ground floor and earn our way into NHRA racing series. It’s important that everyone attend this event so we can give NHRA a good showing and hopefully get 3-5 races in 2010 with division 3. The ultimate goal here is to eventually get Pro Street Diesel in as a permanent class. The rules will be the typical frame rail/tube assembly trucks, heads up pro tree and everyone must meet NHRA safety guidelines. NHRA membership required and if you run 9.99 or quicker up to date NHRA competition license and chassis certifications are required. Any questions, refer to the 2009 NHRA rulebook or contact Ritch Bowers rbowers at nhra.com. More details will be posted soon, this is our break! There will be other diesels there Scheid/Silverline dragster has tentative plans on running in the Top Dragster class. If your team is interested in attending you need to contact Eric McBride: dieselsport at verizon.net
Awesome! I like tinkering with my hemi truck too(its no diesel and wont run with one either) But i cant get past the fact for a million buck it could run with my car.
I just never thought racing trucks was worth any time or effort..... Now building them for some serious wheeling duty is a whole another story!!
I do it for the look on the Vett. and Stang owners faces after the get walked on by a 7600lb truck....lol
Thats cool. Thanks for sharing. My Dodge just ran out of the 100K warranty so I guess it will start to get some mods soon too. Cleaver