I'm game just let me know when. I used the spring compressor you can borrow from Autozone. It worked ok but wasn't the best. Cary
We used my handheld grinder with a thin metal cutting disc. It was easy. The hardest part was for sure getting the springs out with the AZ compressor. Cary, I had a great time doing this and I think it looks great! Much better than before! Bob, I'd be glad to come over and help out. It's a good excuse to come over and see the brother in law AND look at the 4 door Maverick too!
Hey Bob: We seriously can do it but it will take some planning for me to come out there. Sunday's are bad for me, it would have to be a Saturday. My youngest starts spring soccer next month and I don't have a schedule yet. I will see when her early games are becouse i could come after one of them. We will need the compressor and Randy's cut off tool. Also a floor jack and jackstands of course and an impact helps alot. So get with Randy since I think he wants to come look at the 4 door you found, and we will see when we can all get together. Cary