Hig guys, continuing my troubleshooting and repair of my 75 Maverick. What does the EPA pump do and can I disconnect it? The pulley is making an awful noise and when I disconnect the vacuum line the car idles better.
Do you mean the so called 'smog' pump? If so, it is designed to introduce added oxygen to the exhaust so that the cat converter can burn. If you have a cat converter on the car, you need the pump to keep it from clogging up. If you don't have a cat, then the pump is doing nothing anyway.
Yeah, that is it. The car is 100 percent factory original with 12k miles on it so I am sure it still has the CAT on it. Another stupid question, do you think this car has an 02 Sensor?
If you are referring to the smog pump?You can remove the belt and drive it.Its not unusual for em to sieze up/make noise age considered.What it does is pump fresh air into the exhaust to heat the catalytic converter so it will do its job.Plug the vacuum hose too.With the pump non operational your converter will eventually fail.I would consider emissions laws in your area as well to be sure you wont bring the pollution controll nazis down on you for disabeling it.Good luck.
OK, gotta bring this one back to life. So if I remove the Smog pump do I need to remove the Catalytic converter as well? I have been doing some reading...(dangerous I know!) But what about the "shut-off solenoid?" Where is this located?