Hi all, Thanks for acceptin my request as a member of this fraternity . I have rescently acquired a 1971 mav-the babe is in shambles. I would request all to kindly guide me how to go about it and give me inputs for sourcing parts and spares. It is an automatic. allot of trims and engine parts missing...please help and educate..
You can certainly get all the info you need here. There are a number of folks who have a lot of parts for sale. Welcome
Welcome to the board. Autokrafters or RPS Parts are the 2 companies carrying the mosr parts for our cars. A lot is not reproduced, but there are members on here that sell parts. Specify what you need and post them in the Classified parts wanted forum. Good luck.
Welcome to the board, i see your from India, very cool and surprising. Any chance of seeing a few pictures of it. How did your Maverick get there and did Ford produce Mavericks in India? It's nice to see Mavericks popping up all over the world.chirp: