We are almost ready to pull out the 250. I beleive we will pull it on sat. We have been working on our project for 10 months now.Next step for us is to shave those dam shock towers, I have been thinking about it for some time now and its the right thing to do.Then its a light media blast to the engine bay, Epxoy primer and paint the bay and trim( jambs trunk, Etc.) then install our fresh power plant! Then off to have the body painted.The boy and I are soooo anxious to here him run. I will post pics after the shave and from there on. He going to be sharp,This Mav is going to be my sons first car.I did leave the big bumpers on! We tucked both front and back,they look good. As good as big bumpers can. I want to thank everyone who has givin us info,shipped parts and put up with some pretty stupid questions. I've have learnt an amazing amount of info here alot by just reading and seeing what other members have done. Hell I never new anything about a 50 oz and 28 oz balance until I came here. And with alot of investigation we built an engine most of us would be proud to own. So hats off to you gentlemen and thanks a bunch! More to come. Mitch and Tanner
The front one is a peice of cake. Its as easy as removing the bumper remove the bumper supports from the frame and cut up to 3" from the support. I'm not the best on discription so I would do a search on the subject, There is a very good discription with pics to guide you. The back bumper is a little more difficult. After we got the bumper off the sub-bumper was pretty rusty,so we fabbed up a new sub bumper from 3" c channel. its a split design that allows the plate to lay normal. I will try to get a pic and post as soon as we mount these. It should cut weight in half on the rearbumper assy.We did tuck the rear 3" also. Some guys dont like the look cause the returns block half the marker lights, I figured if we were going to the pain of the tuck might as well make it substancial.We may loose the side markers but at this time its just more work and they dont look so bad to me. We may change our minds once the 8 is in and running. Anyway check out the search mode here and I can show you what we did with the rear. There are some other ways to do the rear, like ramming into a wall to compress the crash shocks. That was my last choice,but I visually found it funny! More later and good luck with you ride.
Thanks Chris, heck yea come on over. Call me when you get off work, Congrates on the new job! Does this mean new car parts for chris? Mitch
Oh yes it does indeed. In time, In time. There will be trips to parts stores and ups trucks coming weekly. It is gonna be awesome. After all of the car payments and gas, and all of that kind of stuff unfortunately.
You're going to like it with cut shock towers, even if you stick with a 302-based motor ... sooooo much easier to get to the plugs, etc ...
I think its one of the best mods that can be done and if your engine is out in a good day and a little prep it can be completed. Besides it looks cool as two hot chicks in bikinis on a chilly day!