I have hooker headers 3inch collector. I was wondering if there are any bolt togeather kits sold for our cars or am i looking at a custom job. Also what mufflers would you recommend for a nice low-end mid range rumble to wot scream. thank you for you help.
need a custom job. you can get a universal kit from summit, jegs, and a bunch of other mail order companys. they usually come with a colection of bends and streights that you cut and clamp togther. you should have no problem running the pipes back to the mufflers but to do tail pipes will be really hard. id recomend going to a exhast shop and having them do it. they should be able to get tucked up under the car alot further than you would be able to and it would be welded so it would be less likely to leak.
As for a muffler, Flowmaster 40 series and Delta flows are popular but you're not going to get a scream at WOT, more like a roar If you're looking for a more high pitched wail maybe look at Borla, they sound really cool but they're expensive. Also having an X-pipe is supposed to change the tone, I want to add one when $ allows.
Why not put some bolt-on purple hornies on it? They're bolt on and will dump before the axle. They're cheap too.
bolt on purple hornies are great if you want the roar but be warned they are LOUD. i run them on my car and get a great sound but don"t expect to keep the radio at the same level. haha
I went 2 1/2 pipes thru Edelbrock mufflers. Great drone, and sound. Love it when you drive past a house and the the car alarms go off.
They are illegal here in Wisconsin - so I bet they are also nixed in his Illinios, which usually has more laws than we do .......
Why? For the noise I assume? I'm not saying they make the BEST sound overall, but sound good for the money.
Sound is a whole nother thing - and yes, many cops pull over loud sounding cars and trucks here because they can - and yet every other Harley has loud pipes and they do nothing. Don't get me started on that issue .... What I was refering to was the pipe ending in front of the rear tires on a passenger car. Big no-no here unless it came that way from the factory like a Vette with side pipes. Law has mostly to do with carbon monoxide getting into the passenger compartment. You can push the sound issue with a nice set of pipes exiting in the rear - but if it ends in front of the rear axle forget it - State Patrol will be all over you for illegal exhaust.
Well ...... technically under Wisconsin law, any change from stock is illegal ... but you can get away with a lot if you don't stand on the gas at a red light and make a scene and your pipes exit the rear. But even if your being nice and quiet and the pipes are in front of the wheels you will get a 15 day at best. Been there - done that -