Just curious what every one has for floor mats i'm ready to purchase some for my car to protect the new carpet.SO i want to window shop ive done hit every parts store in town and came up empty handed SO pics and were you bought them from would be a ton of help
Here is the link. $89.95 plus $18 shipping. They have gone up a bit since I bought mine. http://cgi.ebay.com/70-71-72-73-For...5|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50
They don't seem so pricey when you see them in your mav. I have not seen any that are just rubber. These ones do have a real nice rubber backing with the rubber nubbins to keep them from moving around.
No pics (not with the Mav for the next few days), but when I put down brown carpet, I found some generic, light tan, half carpet half vinyl floor mats at O Reilly's. I was like you, went to every store in town before going with those. It was either that to the "Ford Racing" mats, but those have been done too much. Those ACC emboriederd mats are nice, but Ive never had much luck at keeping pure carpet mats looking decent
I have them too.....they are a nice quality. You get what you pay for and sometimes "pricey" is the way to go.
what the hell...??? 'scuse me... I have to go wash my car - RIGHT NOW.... Well, it *IS* a dailt driver after all...