i need to paint my maverick its a 71 currently its white with black stripes and it looks rough my interior is black here are some pics btw what hood do i have?
you have a grabber hood.... it doesnt look that rough honestly... paint job prices is all gonna depend on the rust damage of the body
yeah it is, i want to either keep the same color scheme just touch it up or paint it grabber orange it has little surface rust
the good and the bad Maaco is going to be hit and miss, they always hire new meat from the schools which they quickly burn up. Occasionally you find the rare one that busts his ass off and takes small pride in his work..Thats when you hit maaco. I'm going to try soda or fine glass blasting my current paint then eventually run the car over to maaco to let them finish the Job. If the bodies straight you get the whole car done for around 800, soda blasted that is.. From there its just primer bondo if need then paint. If the vehicle needs not work figure 800 for the blast and 400 for maaco.. I took my beat up ranger with surface rust on the top into maaco. 400$ dollars later the truck came out awesome, the guy was surprised when I told him to leave the dents in. Hell its a work truck its going to get dent and scratched. Final note MAACO MAKES IT MONEY OF PREP! they will nail you for every little dent and ding. Its best to prep the car yourself then have them shot it.
I know around here 1Day Paint and Earl Scheib all charge pretty much the same. If you drive your car in and expect to drive it out ready to drive then it's a bout $1500 if you want a different color because that involves painting the underhood and door jambs. If you want normal then $1000. This is for a 2 stage paint. For single stage it's about 200-300 less. If you are willing to do any work at all it will come out better looking but not cheaper. After you factor in the labor that you will put in and towing it to them (because you removed most of the hardware) and the material for sanding and painting etc it'll be more. The way people get the most out of these kind of pain companies is of course a good branch, some are better like others as mentioned before. Then it's the prep work you are willing to do to minimize overspray. They do a decent job of masking but you will almost guaranteed have overspray. To avoid that you'll need to mask some things yourself. Sanding and body filler you can do yourself if you feel comfortable. My local branch I spoke to even told me which rattle can primer/filler to get to spray on top of my body work so that it would match his paint. They really work with you if you are willing. Also, people usually don't have a great experience with paint stripes so just giving you a heads up, may not come out as well as you thought.
No easy way to answer that question without seeing the car up close. If you want fresh paint slapped on then Maaco or Earl Scheib for under $500. If you want a quality job expect $4000 and up.
I doubt very much Macco or any other shop will let you come in and work beside their employees.(insurance regulations).You would probably have to do the majority of the prep work at home.As for taping for overspray, I guess your at their mercy as to a good job or not.I would try and find a small independant shop to take it to, or at least pick their brain about what you can do yourself.
cant be said any better. i had a friend paint my '71 for $1500..... and that's what i got, a 1500 dollar paint job. looks great after a year of abuse but has it's flaws here and there
Sounds like your headed down the same road as me. I started thinking that we could fix the dents and give it a quick paint job. Boy was I wrong. Our body shop at work talked me out of even trying that road because I wouldnt be happy with it in the future. We stripped and disassembled the whole car and spent a year on it on our spare time. It was worth it. I owe them huge for not letting me do something I would have regretted. Its a lot of work even to do a quicky and then you'll be doing it again in a year or two. Doesnt really save money in the end. Eventually you'll be stripping it down if you want a quality look and some longevity. The problem is the money involved. My car would have run about 7 grand by the time its back together. If you have the money thats fine but we dont all have that disposable income. Keep in mind my car had a lot of dents to fix. Texas hail damage to the roof. That is way beyond my abilities. I had a lot of help and a few good teachers in our shop. Hopefully you can find someone to help you out instead of paying full shop labor. Good luck and start training those shoulders you'll need it come block sanding time. My car isnt perfect but I know I did a lot of the work myself with guidance and its a great feeling. Turned out better than I ever would have expected. Endless hours of blocking and priming.
Damn you beat me. Mine was 1700. Likewise our body shop guys are also good friends. That includes 300 to dip and strip all the panels. The place that stripped the panels was great to deal with and they got mine done 1 week before they shut the doors. Too bad. The city took over the property then they couldnt find another building due to environmental regs. Bummer.