Yes.....that is a hood on the roof. Owner contacted me a while back and told me about the car and sent me some pictures. These pictures are a lot better than the ones he sent me.
Even without the paint job - with the MTs, shackles, and traction bars, it's for sure got an old school look.
That car is awesome. Like seriously awesome. What has been done inside? Does it have a skull or an 8-ball for a shift knob? Footprint gas pedal? Animal prints? Fur? If only it had the Cobra sidepipes...
Man, does that take me back to HIgh School! Raised rear, wide tires, shackles, traction bars, incredible. Don't care an awful lot for the paint job though. Chris
I like the paint. I always called cars with this stance "tater diggers". Anyone else heard this one. Cleaver
Havent heard tater diggers but we used to call em stink bugs around here.Needs a Cal Customs sticker on the windows and side pipes.Wonder if it has "Thrush" turbo mufflers or Cherry Bombs on it.The hood on the roof made me do a double take.LOTS of time laying out all the tape for that paint job!!Definitely a well executed period piece.
In reality that paint job must have cost a pretty penny to get done.I can't even imagine the amount of time it took.