I bought a 72 comet johan model car thats kinda beat up but i can make look good. Ive been wanting to get one for a long time, but they go for alot on ebay. But i think i got this one for a good deal. Ive heard some poeple on here say they would like to see a maverick or comet RC car. So i decided to make one. I dont know if anyone on here has ever heard of an xmod. There a radio controled car maid by radio shack. I plan on using the chassis off my xmod and mounting the comet to it. Ive done this to many of other model cars, and theres a xmod forum, where everyone does this. I fanily got it in the mail today and started working it. Heres pics of how it look when i first got it. This pic is what the chassis looks like. And heres one i just finished not to long ago. Thanks for looking. More updates later.
thats pretty cool, i did something similar that didnt turn out as well lol http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/ind...dID=35949207&albumID=1158155&imageID=57345420
Ya, the only hard part is mounting the front on. The rear is a peice of cake. Your myspace is on private or some thing.
thats cool! i have a T-Maxx, but its been a long time since i drove it. with the cost of gas and 12 AA batteries that only last like two hours lol...
LOL, there alot of fun. The chassis im using is set up for all wheel drive. So ill have a drifting comet. If you wanted to check xmods out a little more, heres the link to the forum im in. My name on there is spitfire. http://www.xmodsource.com/forum/index.php
Update. Got all the cracks fix, and shaved the door handles. Now its all ready for its first coat of primer. I dont have pics of it primed yet, im letting dry. Hafter it drys ill start mounting it up to the chassis. Enjoy, all coments welcome. -kris
Thanks guys! Nice little update. Its all mounted and primed. Now i need to start sanding it down, fix a little body work i did, and it should be ready for its next coat of prime. Heres some new pics. Enjoy, all coments welcome. -kris