I just picked up a steal of a deal. I bought a near perfect comet GT hood with no rust for 75$. My question is that they painted the black stripes on the middle of the hood. I thought the GT's were supposed to have a decal.
Huh? What years were painted? I would have to get mine out of storage to look, but I don't think mine has either. The hood and scoop/car are factory color/paint.
My 72 has a decal. But the scoop is black also. Every pic I see for advertising has the scoop body color. Mine must have been painted black at some time.
This isnt helping much guys. I wanted to make mine all factory original. Is it safe to say that the originals were decals, that are no longer being reproduced?
Hmm yea idk my 71 gt is all one color the hood and scoop? MY COMET IS ALL ORIGINAL IM THE SECOND OWNER AND YOU CAN SEE IN THE PICS HOW MY HOOD LOOKS
All Comet GT's came from the factory with the hood stripe painted satin black. The hood scoop should be painted body color.
Just wanted to tell you that you suck.. LOL J/K Nice score. we are looking for one local as well as the one on the GT is pretty bad (well scrap really, badly rusted, previous front end damage and falling apart.