Ok gang if you have been reading the other thread regarding my attemp at restification of a set of magnum 500s' I purchased from mean_maverick... Well I finished them this evening.I said I was going to put a grabber blue pinstripe on all 4 rims and thats what I did today.Heres the pics...Enjoy!! PS: Darren,get that mav on the road and bring it down here so I can stripe those rims for ya . Pete
OK I'm impressed now. That stripe makes all the difference on those wheels. I gotta get that on mine now.
Thanks for the kudos gang :HandshakeI appreciate it.The stripe really was a must since I wont use trim rings on em now.It was one of those "I hope this looks good when its done" things.I'm glad I did em this way.
Whoa! I've to admit that when I first read you were going to paint a blue stripe on them I thought they were gonna look weird. But now you're showing us these pictures all I can say is GODDAMN!!! They really stand out with the new paint and the blue pinstripe. Congratulations!