heres one for ya. after a short run around the block we noticed the left bank of the engine was very hot to the touch and the right side was not,you could lay your hand on the right side and would not dream of doing that to the left. I mean really hot. any thoughts? 302 engine Mitch
You know when we put the gasgets on we had two gaskets that were the same we were told to flip the one over. I,m pretty sure I checked to be sure all the ports and water jackets lined up. Does make sense though. CRAP!
Looks like I got all kinds of problems. Still cant figure out the vibe problem. Going to change out the flexplate to a 28 and see what happens. Getting tired of all this guessing. I've changed the balancer out no luck. I thought when I ran the crank numbers it checked out to be a 50 oz crank. I must have been mistaken. lot of mistaken going on here. GRRR! So heres what I'm up against. change out head gasket/intakes. slide tranny back and change out flex/harmonic bal. Scream and pull my hair /kick the dog! Dam rookie.
Yea, the one on backwards is letting the coolant shortcut it's way back to the thermostat (if on anything other than a Cleveland) If on a Cleveland, it's now blocked the coolant from getting to the thermostat. In this instance, you can expect steam eruptions when the trapped coolant gets hot enough to flash to steam.
Thats what alarmed us this evening. If my boy got his foot in it at all you would see old faithful. More Crap!
pulled engine apart today, took off right cylinder head and found the head gasket installed correct. this was the side that was very hot to the touch. One would assume the hot head would be the one with the gasket possible on backwards. Is it poosible the carb was set to lean and causing the right bank to heat? Just a wild stab in the dark. Baffled! I did notice that the fel-pro gaskets water jacket holes in the front of engine were much smaller than the rest For example the passages on the gasket between cylinder 1-2 were aprox. 3/16" and between 3-4 were aprox. 1/2". what harm would there be in drilling the smaller passages out? any advantages to doing that?
There is also the possibility of having an air pocket trapped in the cooling system. That would cause one side to get hotter than the other as well and would cause the engine to overheat too.
Possible. If it where the wrong rotation pump everything would get hot and I would experince defenant overheating. Correct ?
When filling the coolant system alaways run the engine with the radiator cap "off" until the thermostat opens and all the air can escape through the block and out the radiator neck.... trapped air in the block can cause overheating! my two cents
Could be it, guess all I can do is put her back together and see. Kinda expensive time consuming adventure for a rookie! lol