Trust me.. been there done that... at least you get piece of mind now knowing that it was indeed installed correctly. Now, you will make sure next time that you triple check everything before bolting it all down.. I know I will, I learned a very expensive lesson on this with a 4.6 motor I built.. the headgaskets are not reusable after they are torqued down as they are coated in a sealing compound and are of MLS construction... once torqued down they are toast upon removal and cost about $150 a pair
Ouch! This wasent that bad but I did replace all affected gaskets. safe not sorry. By the way I was sure the first time I installed the gaskets but My wife says I have a bad memory. Go figure. Thanks Mitch
I find it helpful to take pics along the way to aid my wayward memory as it has more than once made a fool out of me
If that gasket was on correctly, the front middle should have had the port under it blocked. This is to force the coolant to flow to the rear of the cylinder bank before moving up into the head. And it's not neccessary to remove the head to check for this, there's a corner of the gasket that sticks out over the exposed deck face on the lower front corner of the block not covered by the head. I know pics would be better to illustrate this, but I'm not savvy enough to get em posted. Just an examaination of Felpro head gaskets will show you this.
You are correct. And so was I. The front two middle jackets are blocked. I did have the gasket on right. Wish I had that knowlege would have saved alot of work. But I do now! Thanks for the info baddad. I do have a head question, On the end of the valve stem above the keepers and below the rocker arm there is little caps. They are only on the intake valves, should they be on all valve stems?
No. The lash caps are only on half the valves. I thought they were on the exhaust valves though.... maybe that was the rotators I was thinking of.
Thanks paul, I have discovered one missing. yes you are correct they are on the exhaust valve. I will have to pick up one at the local shop. By the way what is the effect of not having one or any? Rockers slap valve stems and eventully cause guide probs? Mitch