Why would it matter? Is it one of those 4 speed trannies that has a Granny low or something? I mean as long as it is a good transmission and you like the gear ratio what does it matter what it came out of?
Pickup trans in a Comet? Nah, no big deal. Try being the guy that's becoming notorious for using Chevy parts. Hey, if it fits and works good, use it!
still no big, makes sense with so many there. i think the guy putting a nissan 6 in caught more crap than any one. this is definately not a 55tbird club, hehe
Jamie, I guess your right about the site... I sure did get a LOT of H#@@ around here when People found out. But Everything bolted right up just like it was made for it. Phil
so what bell housing did you use? i have the manual from my high boy sitting in the yard, and a comet waiting for a decision...
I used same bellhousing and flywheel off 1982 ford f100 2wheel drive like I said the tranny is same length as the c4 its small compared to the 4speed in my 1987 f250 and it has an aluminum case and is fully syncro'd