Bought 302 HO long block, that required 50 oz harmonic balancer and 50 oz flexplate. Got a MSD distributer (small cap) and MSD Blaster coil that required 8 ohm resistor. We have 600 cfm mech Edelbrock carb, Edelbrock RPM Performer intake, bought Summit harmonic balancer (P/N SUM-163302) with 3 timing marks on balancer. I've got 2 that work on an idle, but if you accelarate quickly on either one, it pops. I have tried a tooth off one way or the other, and still getting the same reponse. Any ideas?
Ford had two different firing orders on the mustang HOs for some years I thought, one for fuel injection, and one for carb. Maybe thats your problem. I checked for an 83/84 and came up with 13726548 Carb and 15426378 FI
Pull number one spark plug out and get it up to tdc and see which mark is up. And id also check firing order for the cam thats in it, and make sure its on the compression stroke when pulling it up to tdc.
What I failed to mention was that I have a 351 W firing order, what I was told when I bought it (302 long block).
Thought I would mention that the rotation should be counter-clockwise, maybe this will help:
Ford used 3 different timing pointer positions. Stock V-8 Mavericks used the uncommon one. Most balancers have 2 sets and not the ones used for Mavericks.
if its not 180 out on timing . the only time I came across fireing order diffent was putting rv cam in 351 it used 302 fireing order from 1982-1987 any thing newer I wouldn't have a clue
You need to find TDC. The way I do so is with a sparkplug with the grounding strap broken off and a long socket jammed in to it. Screw it into hole #1 (front passenger side). Rotate the engine BY HAND!!!! until the piston hits on the socket. Mark your balancer with whiteout where the pointer points. Turn the engine the oposite way until it stops again. Mark again. Direct center between marks is TDC. Set it to 10 Before TDC which is about an inch to the right of your middle mark. Mark that spot and wipe off all other marks except TDC. Drop the dist in with the cap pointing at number one. Take the socket plug out and put in the real one. Fire it up and adjust timing with a light until it points to the 10 BTDC mark.
I have never had a problem timiing any gas engine just throw distributor in any where get on top dead center compression where ever rotor cap points you make that number 1 AND GO FROM THERE
And what diffent do you think you are doing to make it run any better long as you can addvance or retard the timing with the distributer i have done this for at least forty years
i have a 250 4.1 liter & having trouble getting to time properly & getting to stay started unless i pump on gas. What should i do & whats the timing sequence?
It works fine for you, but not so much for the next owner who tries to wire it without knowing where you started with #1 at on the cap.