Fuel gauge isn't working just wondering if this is a common problem... It moves maybe a 1/16th of an inch off empty. But that is all. I just thought maybe someone had this happen and could tell me a good place to start looking.
When I unhooked the sending unit and put a test light on the wire(coming from the fuse box) it Pulsates not a solid light. Is this right? Also How do you test the sending unit and where would you get a new one. Phil
Ok I will try that.. Thanks for the advice. By the way, how is your project coming? Hope all is going smoothly. Phil
Slowly but smooth,I added some new pics on my thread I like to ground at the fuel sending unit plug you can just make a simple u shaped jumper wire I try not to let the gauge peg when doing this also (were a helper comes in handy)If it starts heading to full you have a sending unit issue.
same problem i had the same problem for about a year and i got where i was one with my tank i knew when it was going to run out of gas before it did but seriously my problem was the float had toothpick size hole in it and i used JB weld (good stuff)and it worked like a dream. and not worrying about being stranded is a good feeling.
I have lots of help since my middle son has no job .Hope to get this fixed .Then I can start on the next project my oldest son has 1995 f150 he wants to make a low rider. I have to come up with more money before I can do more to mine. So I thank you for the help . And good luck on your project this group has been so much help on mine I can't thank every one enough. BUT THANKS Phil
Went out this morning pulled the float out and it had a big hole and cracked about half way around so pulled one out of 1983 ford f150 it was the same so gauge works the easiest fix so far .Thanks again Phil