There will be more info to follow like price and such, and in a couple weeks the colored artwork will be ready to show you. You should be able to picture the cars as they are from top to bottom Tom Hackmans sunburst orange car, then Jack Grices blue car and last but by far not least Gary Trents Comet, YES I SAID COMET!!!Others will post the rest of the info, I was just trying to wet your appettite for a Gathering shirt.
Very nice shirt! But wait till my wife finds out you called it my comet And just because there's a Comet on the shirt does not mean there is a swap meet.
Looks great, Ward. You can put me down for 2 of the XL shirts. Same as I get every year from you. I'll be waiting for the ordering info. Bob
Just got off the phone about shirts again. we should have colored art work about June 24th they will try to get it to us sooner. Here are the prices and sizes for the shirts, we need an order of at least 60 shirts. Drop dead date on ordering is July 2nd.!!!!! These shirts are white tees, 100% cotton and preshrunk Kids : 6-8 10-12 14-16 $15.00 at Gathering. Adults : Small Medium - Large and Ex Large $15.00 at Gathering Adults : XX - XXX - xxxx $17.00 at Gathering Adults Tall: Exlarge - XX - XXX $17.00 at Gathering Those attending Gathering need to email Don Graham , with your order then pay there. Those unable to attend Gathering but want to order shirts , please email Don Graham at ,with your address ,number of shirts and sizes . We will then figure out postage for your shirts and email you back with total cost. Thank you, Ruth & Don PS. If you have any questions will try to answer them or will call the shirt company. Ruth