An extension of this thread, all credit goes to Fred McCutcheon for the idea! Note: The poll contains three questions, age, gender, and through what means you got the car, so please check all that apply. In the interest of respecting everyone's privacy, your user name will NOT appear next to your answers, only the statistics.
Did the poll. Now where do i fit in, let's see i'm 43 (yikes) but i have loved Mavericks and Comets since i was 12. I have owned both Mavericks and Comets but i like Comets better. But i have chosen to put a Maverick front on my Comet. I like one front better and one rear better and i like 4- doors but have a two door. So where do i fit into this poll?
I got mine when i was like 14,i got it for free from my dad,im 20now. wow the six years went by fast im not even half ways done with it.
It's a pretty easy question really, i answered the poll, but all the questions on the poll i have a double answer for, there was not to much to figure out about my question. I was just being ironic. Thought everyone would get it. Guess not.