Hey gang, Just to let ya'll know I finally met:Handshake Alex or better known as Cenci on the board yesterday afternoon. He's building his car himself and has a really good start on what will be or yet is a great addition to our group here. The best thing about it is he is doing the work himself.:bananaman Dont see many young guys working on old stuff like that anymore. They all seem to want the rice grinders that they hot rod by "changing chips". Not that there is anything wrong with that, but..., Anyhow keep up the good work and I'll get those mounts to you soon.
Thanks Fred, It was good to finally get to see you as well. There really are some good people on here and I'm glad to say your one of em! Well gotta run It's road trip time, see yall in a week or so. Alex
Cenc, A bunch of us will be doing the big Ford show at Silver Springs show in January... not only Florida folks, but many from GA, and some other states too. It is my main goal to have my Comet highway-ready by then. If you can make it, I think you would have a great time.
Hey C C hows the music biz? Yep I told him he needs to get to the springs too. Lokks like more than one of us is trying to get a ride togther for the show. We should be ordering Hotties new front end next week. Then it should go fairly quick after than.
Cool that you are making progress on Hotties car. Thread Highjack Alert ... Music stuff ... been going very well almost in spite of itself ... we haven't been promoting ourselves that hard ... we all have other stuff going on too. We play June 20th for the 2nd anniversary of The Witch's Brew, where we are the house band. We play there at least once per month. We travel to Daytona and play at Down the Hatch Friday 6/26. We will have a couple of days there in July and another date in August. Our bands website is thedefendantsonline.com It has all of our info and dates. We ought to have some great video clips up there soon. We were just on the local Fox channel's morning show. Segments of a half dozen songs made it on the air.
Ocala Florida. It was great. This year was the 1st time I made the event. I will be back again...and again!!!
Check out this thread...you'll really wanna go. You'll probably find all the info you want here too. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=48210&highlight=silver+springs+ocala
I think the spirit of this thread is going away! BUT COME ONE COME ALL MAV's and Comets. It is a great weekend. Keep an eye on the National Parts Depo in Ocala for the registration to open. Get yours in as soon as possible because the first 1000 get in free. The spots go fast. Hmmmmm was that 6/26 in Daytona? there's a possible road trip and meet in that!!!!!!
Hey Mavchick,,,a couple of us are looking at a run up to Winston the 4th of July for the Rebel Yell show. I think its Winston, gotta look.. A lot of traditional rods will be there.
It's held here: http://www.silversprings.com/ and if you are one of the first 1000 to register for the show you get a two dat pass for free and the show is free. Can't beat that! Beautiful place for a show.
thats great! i'll have to check into maybe coming down for that..we have a house in homosassa springs, which isn't too far.