I don't know about code enforcement, but doesn't child protective services come after you when you park your truck on your sons?
I have some fine fine fine neighbors that i would love to see you move next to, oh what fun to sit and watch them cry and bitch.
heck, that's what i live on. a small, dead-end dirt road, and they STILL come after me.we only have seven houses in our neighborhood, but it only takes one to ruin the party. (speaking of party, he's gonna have a fit when there's a bunch of teenagers here overnight playin video games, but not like he can do anything about it. )
A close freind of mine did this to PO his local HOA. He is a hardcore biker,Has hardcore biker freinds.They do like to visit him at his house on occasion.His neighbor (who likes to play Bach and Grieg) Very loudly during the day(every day) complained to the local HOA about my freinds "loud and rowdy motorcycle gang freinds" hanging out like its a clubhouse or something.My freind workes nights and sleeps during the day(while grieg is blareing)next door.He never complaind to any one about the loud music.He likes to keep to himself...Upon recieving this notice that motorcycles werent allowed to be parked in his driveway.He promptly organized and had big party in his rather large yard the following weekend.(much to his classicle music loving neighbors chagrin)He lives in a very affluent development I should add.Doctors...investment bankers and the like call this area home.30 bikers showed up(on their bikes) in tuxedoes with their wifes/girlfreinds dressed in gowns and finery.They spent the whole sunday listening to a 12 piece orchestra(in his yard mind you...live)Playing Mozart and brhamms.Drinking martinis and enjoying the smells of a pig roasting in a pit in the yard dug just for the occasion.Within 3 weeks the neighbor moved...sold his house...and my freind hasnt had a problem since.The local HOA representative was to say the least...amused.The other people who lived on the street were thrilled to learn that the LOUD classical music loving busey body had moved out. And they all lived happily ever after.This is a true story,names have been omitted to protect the innocent.
A little "good neighboring" has allowed me to get away with a lot. Generally try to think of others above myself, share my time, and lend a helping hand to my neighbors when I can. Some of these stories scare the heck out of me. I think it is sad how impersonal some people can be. Cleaver
My neighbor complained to the city about my Comet, Maverick & Ranger pickup parked in front of my house. I live on a dead end street. When the city came by to talk to me about the vehicles. I asked them why should they care? It's a private street. Nothing to do with the city. If anything goes wrong on my street, all the people who live on it have to pitch in money to fix it. The city has nothing to do with our street. Asked them why they were even here? They said they would go back to the office & check it out. They were to get back to me. They never did. Haven't heard a thing from the city. Guess they told the neighbor there was nothing they could do. So, my cars & truck still sit in front of my house on the street. They can pack sand....
I love where I live. Only been here a couple years and presently have 9 Mavericks. If I had been here the last 20 years I'd probably have at least 25 more out back.
So i found out today that the complaint came from my neighbors Realtor once the house was already under contract. I talked to my new neighbors as well a my others and none of them care that my car is in the driveway. But since the complaint was made to the county still need to hide it for a little while so they dont fine me.
I have one of those weasel neighbors and we've gone 'round and 'round about a lot of issues. I live on a dead end and I don't bother anyone so I was surprised when the local inspector, a guy I know, showed up and told me I had to put the mavericks I had covered in the yard, under a roof. He said he didn't care but he had a complaint and he had to act because the reporting person was a political yahoo who would cause him trouble. I asked who reported me and sure enough it was my pita neighbor. I got a carport and put both project mavs under it. But I didn't have room for my parts cars so I called my buddy the inspector and asked him why the guy who reported me had a garage with a collapsed roof. He had a little discussion with my neighbor and I haven't heard from either one in about two years and both parts cars haven't moved (other than up and down as I remove parts!). Sometimes the wolf needs a slap on the nose from the sheepdog and I'm very happy to oblige. Such is life.
HA! Those are great! I don't live in town now, but here the inspectors walk onto your property to check the tags. When I did live in town, a neighbor tried backing a car in and they got him for not only that car, but a truck he had parked in the backyard. What do you mean locks disabled or removed? Are you talking about the gate or the car? I think it would be illegal to tell someone they can't lock their own gate. Also, I would think that they would want the car locked up, not locks disabled.