It's Been a good year for the Roses... but come on Coop... Call the RAIN HOME!!!! PLeeeassseeee!!!! (By the way..... This is my mechanic Ug/Lurch/ Bull.... Depending on What he is doing.... LOL really my second oldest son, Dan) Phil
Don, We both live in the desert.... it isn't supposed to Rain this time of year! I am Tired of mowing WET grass! Phil
That's why I go to the mountains every other week in the summer. Nice and cool here, and it rains occasionally. Wife and I have caught 32 fish so far this week.
The Wife say...."NOT Fair!!!" She's been having to shut down the computer at least once a day from thundershowers... and Wouldn't DARE to consider going to the lake in this weather! Highs... 60-70* lows in the 30's to 40's.... I Just want it to dry up so I don't get mud on the comet! Phil
I hear ya. our lakes on this side were down still at the end of the snow season, now they are all at capacity. kinda nice but i would like to be able to drive the grabber or my bike without getting rained on....our summers are short enough already.
You washington boys and TEXANS CAN HAVE THE WET STUFF . Like sierra grabber said our are short enough in the Great state of Nevada so some one take the RAIN I'm sick of it.