I have a 86 302 H.O. roller that I'm working on but have ran into a few things.. Do I have the eccentric to run a mech fuel pump, all the ones I've seen are the full piece around but it appears to have the dowel pin hole? If so where can I get the pin? I've looked at most of the March Serp Pulley kits and all of the ones for power steering say they will not fit the mech fuel pump except this one.. http://www.jegs.com/i/March-Performance/655/30185/10002/-1# Will there be any clearance problems? There's alot of wiring problems with the car, everything works except the gauges, but there's multiple wires that run nowhere. Has anyone had a shop rewire their whole car and how much did it cost you? Any suggestions on a good cheap distributor? Some engine specs.. Stock hydraulic roller cam Stock Crank and pistons Victor Jr intake 600 holley carb World Product Sr heads I'm sure there's a few things I'm forgetting, sorry for any stupid questions, new to rebuilding engines but after the 250 gave out I don't want to see the car sit and collect rust and would hate to have to sell it.. Thanks...
Flatline; yes, you need the eccentric to run a mechanical fuel pump. You can get one from Ford or NAPA for about $30. As for the wiring, if you get a diagram, you should be able to find what you need for the gauges. If they are the stock gauge set, just follow the wires back to the firewall plug, and out to the sensor. Also, check the contacts on the cluster. Sometimes when the plug goes back in, it will bend the contacts back, and cause the cluster or fuel gauge not to work. Check that out first. Good luck!
Does you timing cover have the mounting boss and hole for the pump? Might need one of those as well. clint
Yeah I have the timing cover with the fuel pump mounting spot in the side. To install the eccentric do I just have to remove the camshaft bolt and put it on, and how wouldI know if I need the one or two piece?
Pretty sure the 2 Piece ones were the later ones. I am not sure if the dowels are different but I bet they are since most cam companies send 2 dowels of different lengths. I bet the 1 piece would be harder to find, though I have at least one laying around here. On the cam sprocket that you have I would not want to guess on what you need to make one work. On an aftermarket can gear I think it would be no trouble. That is a gear set for an earlier engine with a mech. pump clint
So would it be a better idea to just buy a aftermarket timing chain and install the 2 piece with it? I was thinking of swapping out the cam for an aftermarket one anyways to get a better lift to match the heads, I guess that would be the opportunity..
im running a late model timing chain with a two piece on my early model block. i belive the cam dowel is longer on the late model cams.
I think I'm going to swap out the cam, how does this set up look? http://summitracing.com/parts/CCA-SK35-320-8/?image=large http://summitracing.com/parts/SUM-G6942B/ http://summitracing.com/parts/WRL-053040-1/
You will probably have spark plug wire to header clearance issues with those heads. Check out the Edelbrock Heads for not much more. What transmission, converter and rear gears are you running? Subliminal Message Scorpion Rocker Arms are American Made
The transmissions the stock c4 from my 250 and the gears are stock also, but once the cars running I'm changing out the gears to 3.55 and getting the shop down the street from me to rebuild the trans. I still haven't found a converter that i'm set on yet, i was thinking this http://summitracing.com/parts/HUP-42-20/