Take a look at the price on this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford...sid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65:12|39:1|72:317
not my style, but i respect the work he put into it. this is one of those times that the seller has to realize that he's not going to get all the money he put in it back out of it when it sells.
Yep, 27000 he'd be lucky to get 17000. You never know I guess. Someone might have a bag full of money and chubby for slime green mavericks. Thats an awful lot of work and money in that car to turn around and sell it.
I'm not a fan of green, but I like that color. Looks like a nice car, but the grill and taillights look hokey to me. I like the interior, the underdash is clean. Again, the NOS bottle and holder look hokey. The Mav steerhead marker light is cool. Might get 10,000 to 10,500 for it, if he's lucky....
there is alot of impressive work done on that car but the end result is not pleasing. there is too much going on for having removed so much from the car. i could see that car being at a funk master flex car show, but thats about it.
I like the look of it from the side, i do not like the taillights at all. He needs to put back the Pinto taillights I doubt he will get that much money for it.
Hell of a nice custom. Someone put a lot of thought into the details, but didn't do much under the hood...
Same seller has a bass boat turning 14 years old on there for $9k. Dreamer... Btw: Boat and trailer need "TLC"...