changing the yoke will not cause a vibration problem. most all 8 and 9 inch rear ends have optional length yokes. but the moral of the story according to the parts catalog, is the 302 driveshaft is 1 inch longer.
Cool chart. Apparently there is a 1" overall difference. Where the other inch is lost, that's weird. Your frame stands are in right... your crossmember would have to be in right... C4s are all the same length... Brainstorm in effect: Loosen all the bolts in the frame stands, engine mounts, crossmember, trans mount... Don't remove any, just make loosy-goosy. Every one of those bolt holes have slop, and some are even slotted... You might have everything slopped forward by coincidence. I have seen shifting those slots and sloppy holes really make a difference when installing headers/exhaust. Did you use the Maverick trans mount or the Torino mount? It wouldn't make much difference, but I am curious. It could be different enough to bind your drivetrain forward in those sloppy/slotted holes I talked about. Sounds like you used the Maverick frame stands... How about the engine mounts themselves? Maverick engine mounts are unique compared to other Fords. Non-Maverick ones will cause all sorts of engine placement troubles. Usually they cause a lop-sided engine, but I have never seen Torino wagon versions... There may be a set that causes front to back misplacement. Just some thoughts. Double check the frame stands. Your symtoms point to that. If they are mounted correct, then good luck, hope you work it out.
Get a longer driveshaft from another ford...maybe from that torino?...then have it shortened...$70 tops, problem solved.