My car had the floor hump opened up with a can opener to put the shifter on the floor. The prev owner said it was because the column stopped working. Are there known issues? (don't know if already mentioned. search no work. "borrowing" internet)
This is a good question and would like to find out myself. Reason why is because my column shifter sounds weird whenever I switch to the D gear. Not that it sounds weird, but it just feels rough when I change gears.
yea they get worn out after 37 years and fall into reverse from park you should see the side on my ranger..... mav 1 ranger 0 for sure.
yikes! reading about them more. Fixing it could be a project in itself. I really like the 3 speed transmission and I already have one! that's one way to save a little dough.... I had a 60 mph focus total my ranger.
They had slack after much less use than that. It's been an old trick to start Fords sisnce the 70's by having to wrap your left arm over the wheel and pull up on the shifter to get the neutral switch to engage when trying to start the car. Sort of an "anti-theft" device now.