All Ford in Warwick Maryland !! Come on guys some of you should go! Im going even though my cars not on the road yet. I would really like to see some of the cars from this web site there!
Its going to be a nice day weather wise. Im hoping somebodys going to have their Maverick here! Im going through withdraw since mine is still at the body shop since Dec. I also need to look at some cars for a reference to reassemble mine when it finally comes home. Its been awhile since I disassembled it and my memory is fading on some of the details ... LOL Please POST if your going ...... Bob
Went to this show and was pleasantly surprised. Ran into Bob and his lovely wife. Sorry, I am the worst when it comes to remembering names. Anyway, it is out in the middle of nowhere but a great place to be. Thick grassy grounds almost completely shaded with nice big trees. A very good variety of cars to see including an original owner of a 57 Ford 2 door sedan. Sorry Bob, I looked for ya before I drove off but couldn't find you guys. I will definitely put this one on my "must attend" list.
OK, I never tried photobucket so I hope this link works.
Dennis, Good to see you again! You probably couldn't find us because we were in the back watching Elvis perform. I was going to post some pics tonight but it looks like you have it covered. I didn't take as many but I did take the same ones you did. Like the plaid interior on that Merc. It was so ugly you just had to love it (aahhh the 70's) You did however miss a picture of one of the nicer cars there, somebodys Maverick Sprint (see below). Sunny Side farms also sponsers other shows so I will keep my eye out for them and email you. Maybe by the next one I'll be on the road. Later ... Bob ps Pam says Hi!
because it's a convertible.
Joe Dirt has it!! Mercury NEVER made a Cyclone convertible. Robert Day did what Mercury should have. Pretty darn cool!!
i hope it was a good show. looks like it. i didn't see this thread until now, or i would have tried to get up there.
Im not sure if it would have been worth an 8 hour trip from Nc but it was a nice show. To bad more people from the Nj, Pa, De and Md area didn't attend. The weather was perfect!!!